Boujie and Beautiful- Blog #3

Boujie and Beautiful- Blog #3

“The dress must follow the body of a woman, not the body following the shape of the dress.” ~Hubert de Givenchy

The Dreads of Summer!

Let’s be real! Many of us ladies dread the summer season for many reasons. Some of us are thinking, “Ugh! I am not where I want to be with my weight.” Or, “I look awful in summer dresses and swimsuits!” Many of us struggle with these same irritating voices in our head that seem to repeat themselves every single year! Unfortunately, what we do not realize is that we feel this way because the views of society put these voices in our head by telling us that we

must look a certain way in order to be viewed as beautiful. I say, “THE HELL WITH THAT!” We were not made to all look the same as we are all beautiful in our own way. The question is, how to we embrace the beauty that we were given?

Make Fashion Work For You!

For starters, let’s talk swimsuits. I myself like a comfortable style, but I always find myself getting depressed or out of the mood to shop after I try on a swimsuit where my jelly roll sticks out like a sore thumb! So, I switched my style to swimsuits that compress my mid-section, or are belted style! These really helped boost my confidence and hide those lovely rolls.

Secondly, dresses! I loved flowy dresses that concealed, but the more weight I gained, the more those dresses began to look like nightgowns. So, I switched to a more fitted look that complimented my hips and tucked in my rolls! It doesn’t matter how people see us! It’s how we see ourselves! We are Boujie and Beautiful!

Shopping can be a real pain, especially when we can never find the right outfit to cover those jelly rolls that we all just love, or for those pesky batwings that some of us have a hard time of getting rid of. This is exactly why one must change their mindset on how to stock up on your summer wardrobe. Make fashion work for you!

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